SaaS Masterclass Free

Free Mini-Course

SaaS Masterclass

Understand how to start/scale in SaaS within just 6 days.

Find your product idea that’ll succeed.
Target the right audience to monetize.
Scale your SaaS business with proven systems.

Honestly, this should be a paid course. It helped me so much!

Countdown AI

Helped me come up with a new idea for my SaaS.

Robin Delta

As a developer, I struggle getting my product out, this helped me a lot!


In this course…

[Lesson 1: how to start]

Find a winning idea

You’ll learn how to come up with a winning idea. We’ll discuss different methods and how an idea can be validated.

Bonus #1

🎁 Free eBook + Notion Templates

[Lesson 2: how to launch]

Target the right audience

You’ll learn how to do research for your desired target audience and how to reach them in the fastest and best way possible.

Bonus #2

🎁 Free 15 min masterclass video

[Lesson 3: how to grow]

Scale with the right systems

Finally, you’ll learn what tools, automations, and systems can help you scale your SaaS business to 7 figures (and beyond).

Bonus #3

🎁 Something worth $1000s of dollars…

SaaS Masterclass (free)

Learn how to start, grow, & scale

🎁 Free bonus stuff included

“This was really helpful in getting to validate my SaaS idea and how to go-to-market”

Matthi (Founder AI Countdown)